

Wedding: Stacey & Peter

Vanessa and I were honored to have been able to document Stacey & Peter's wedding. I love how Peter just loves to take care of Stacey. He is so caring and attentive to her, and she is so cute - she just lets him! Being around them really reminded us of our own family. They are very close and you get the feeling that everyone was ready for them to get married!

It was held at Fort Worth's YWCA, which is not only beautiful but so full of history. I have shot there a couple of times before, and I get to shoot there again next month!

I love the getting ready portion of the day. Makes for great shots!

Peter gets some help getting ready.
This shot was an almost delete. So glad I didn't!

Taking a break!
I couldn't pick a favorite from their first dance, so here are my top three.
One of the favorite ring shots I've done...
Peter's cheesecake! It looked awesome.

EVERYONE was on the dance floor!

This little guy got down!
This one cracked me up! Stacey was caught red handed at the candy bar!


Tiffany said...

these are just gorgeous!!
Amazing work~

Anonymous said...

What a cute couple!! Cristina, you are a master at getting the lighting just right in your pics! They are great!
-Lauren and Coop

Misty said...

Wow that almost delete one is way cool!!! Maybe you could win a shootsac with that one.

Anonymous said...

These are great, Cristina! Can't wait for you to shoot ours!

Julie and Alberto Robles said...

Great wedding work! Love the shot of the tiny dancer. Great angle.

Anonymous said...

that almost deleted shot---soooo awesome..hmmmm, I cannot think of what to say but wow(kinda moving in a way.)

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