


I've had several people (ok, my mom) tell me that I haven't posted pics of my little monkey on the blog for a while so here are a few recent ones!

She is just so precious. She likes to wear lots of pink but loves to play with trucks and bugs. She loves to give me lots of hugs and do things all by herself. She likes to help me cook but disappears when its time to clean. She loves to garden with her Daddy and go to Jesus' house with my mom. She hates getting up to go to school but tells me to come back in five minutes when I go pick her up.

She is the brightest part of my day and I love her so much.

Abby and my mom. Yeah, they like to cuddle. No, I'm not that jealous.

And because it's Mother's Day weekend and Rachel has her own little cute pumpkin (whom Abby absolutely loves), here is Rachel with her Audrey!


Tiffany said...

She is so adorable Cristina!
These are such great shots :)

Papi said...

That's my girl!

Jenna said...

So beautiful! Precious!

Belkis said...

Que hermosas las fotos de Abby!!! Me encantan.... es que la modelo es bella!!!

Tifani said...

Awww she is soooo cute! I think the 2nd pic she has a look like Wayne would have on his face, and then the black and white one is like you. ;) But she's so much like both of you. <3

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